As of Right Now: What we want in our new principal

The yearbook staff writes an editorial about what we would like to see in the new school principal.

Artist: Margaret Franks

The 2022 Yearbook Book Cover: As of Right Now. Designed and created by Margaret Franks.

     The THS Album yearbook has adopted the theme of “As of right now” for this year. After learning that we will be getting a new principal, we sat down as a staff to discuss what we want in a leader and for our school. 

     “As of right now, we the yearbook staff are asking these things of our new principal:

-Someone who is considerate and listens to the students. Having an authority figure that treats students with respect and also shows interest in what they are doing is a good example for students and other staff members.

-Someone who helps make the school a good environment for students that don’t have one in their homes. Having positive attitudes in the school will make more kids want to engage and learn and make coming to school more exciting.

– Someone who encourages in positive ways. Changing the mindset of coming to school will help not only the students but also the staff. 

– Someone who celebrates the diversity in our school. We have so many different ethnicities in our school and we feel that it needs to be highlighted in the school so everyone can know more about different nationalities.

– Someone who can help bring more classes into this school that help students learn about the real world–not just focused on testing. Having classes where we learn about bills, taxes, laundry, cooking and other things that we will have to do when we become adults will help prepare us for the future. 

     As of right now, we are excited and thrilled to meet our new principal and work together as a team to create a safe, happy and productive environment for our students and staff.