Long live the long blue line

 Just recently, the Tupelo High School Marching Band wrapped up their 2022 season. With directors and head director Mr. Cliff Moore, the band went to North Rankin High School to compete in the 2022 MHSAA state championships. 

Many different feelings were floating around the band and guard while they waited for the results.

“I felt really good about the championships this year! We have a really good show this year and have incredibly talented people in the Band. It was a lot of fun being able to spend championships with the 2022 THS band,” Sophomore Ella Hall said.

This year’s Band has improved so much, especially with all of the new students joining the Band. Makayla Scarcella just moved into band from South Pontotoc and this is her first year competing in the 6A division and it was her first ever year competing with Tupelo at all!

“It definitely was a big change and pretty scary, but everybody made me feel very welcome and included in the group, so I felt like I fit right in. I really enjoyed how fun everybody tries to make it as well,” Makayla Scarcella said.

 “It was also a big change going into the 6A division because of the difference of how big the class is and the competition. But, that just means its more fun in the competing part,” Scarcella said.

The long blue line has worked hard all season. From the first competition in Olive Branch to the last one in North Rankin. From getting new trailers, to getting new uniforms. The band has been putting their best effort into the competitions.

“The THS band as a whole has grown a whole lot from the beginning of the season to the end. Even though we didn’t win championships we still have grown a lot and we sounded better and looked better at each competition,” Brooklyn Williams said.

The theme from the show this year was “Black Swan; The Struggle Within” which is very different from the themes prior to this year. The theme was darker and followed a girl who wanted to be so perfect that in the process she went insane. The Band changed their music from dark and aggressive to light and happy throughout the show to show the White Swan and Black Swan. The Guard changed in and out of their jackets to show the different swans too. Overall this year was an amazing year for the long blue line.