The 2023 homecoming maids were presented to the public at City Hall with their football escorts. The court will be presented again at half-time of the THS v. West Point football game Friday night on Renasant Field where the 2023 Homecoming Queen will be crowned.
Senior Maids

Ashanti Birmingham- This year will make it the fourth year Ashanti Birmingham has been on the homecoming court. Birmingham was nervous during campaigning. When she found out she had been selected as ⅙ of the senior maids she was in the car because she never attends school on days when they announce who made homecoming court. “Everyone started blowing up my phone telling me congrats so I was really happy and relieved,” Birmingham said. Preparations for homecoming consisted of nails, dress shopping, and her parade outfit. Birmingham’s dress has been “custom-made by three different people since there were so many difficult pieces, it was a nerve-racking process but it was worth it”. Birmingham’s support during dress shopping was her mom. Another sneak detail of her dress is it´s “white and very different,” said Birmingham.

Gabbi Grubbs – This will year will make it the fourth year Gabbi Grubbs has been on the homecoming court. During campaigning Grubbs had doubts but ¨anyone on court deserves it, whether I was on it or not,¨ Grubbs said. When she received the news she had been selected as ⅙ of the senior homecoming maid she was elated ¨there´s no greater honor than knowing your student body voted for you to represent them,¨ Grubbs said. Preparations she made were booking hair, nails, and tanning appointments. Grubbs has also been going to the gym to feel more confident. While dress shopping for her court, parade and newspaper dress there were so many different styles. ¨There are so many factors that go into finding your perfect dress. I knew I wanted something classy, however, I wanted my personality to shine through and my dress does just that,¨ Grubbs said. Throughout the entire homecoming process, Grubbs said she had “the absolute best support system! My entire family of course, but more importantly my grandmother and my mom! They know the ins and outs by now and they also know exactly what I need.”

Ca´Leya Patterson – This year will make it the fourth year Ca´Leya Patterson has been on the homecoming court. Patterson was nervous during campaigning and she “truly believed that everyone had a chance to make it.” When she found out she had been selected as ⅙ of the senior maids she was thankful and felt blessed because she had been on the homecoming court each year since her freshman year. While dress shopping her mom and close friend Melina Harris were her support. Patterson made her preparations for homecoming as soon as she was given the dates, “it’s just easier to have something on each day for me” Patterson said. A sneak peek of her dress she gave was the color lavender. “I am honored to be in this position again. Love Class of 2024 forever,” Patterson said.

Monné Patton – This year will make it the second year Monné Patton has been on the homecoming court, during campaigning Patton was nervous because of how competitive it was. “My first name is JaKylynn, and I don’t go by that name so it trips people up during the election. That’s what got me my freshman and sophomore year.” When Patton received the news she had been selected as ⅙ of the senior homecoming maids she was honored and excited to represent her class again. While dress shopping she didn’t have too much trouble, after trying on a few dresses she narrowed it down to a top three and chose the one. “Thank you class of 2024 for selecting me to represent you guys yet again! I’m so grateful #wave4L.”

Paris Perkins – This year will make it the second year Paris Perkins has been on the homecoming court. Perkins was nervous during campaigning since there were so many girls running. When she received the news she had been selected as football maid she screamed at the top of her lungs and instantly called her mom. Preparations for homecoming included dress shopping and booking hair and makeup appointments. While dress shopping Perkins was indecisive, but once she saw her dress she knew it was the one. “Through the entire homecoming process my mom has been my biggest supporter,” Perkins said. Perkins’ sneak detail about her dress is that it’s “white with a BIG train.” In her remarks, she “thanks the senior football players for choosing me once again, good luck to all the senior maids going out for queen. I can’t wait [until] the big night,” Perkins said.

Sadie Richburg – This year will make it the second year Sadie Richburg has been on the homecoming court. When Richburg found out she had been selected as ⅙ of the senior maids she was pumped to experience homecoming all over again with girls from last year and new girls. While dress shopping her mom, close friends, and family members were there with her for support. Richburg was very picky and indecisive about her dress. While prepping for homecoming she got her nails done and plans to get her hair and makeup done the night of. Richburg is stepping out of her comfort zone with her dress this year, a sneak detail of her homecoming dress is turquoise/teal and not a ball gown. “I am so excited Class of 24’ selected me. Court is such a fun experience and I’m excited for one last time,” Richburg said.