Camouflaging butterflies:
Students in Mrs. Chumley’s fourth block watched a video on camouflage butterflies. They then took time to find and color something around the classroom. This activity allowed them to express their creativity.
Trinity Jones, a 10th grader at Tupelo High School States “ it took us 10 minutes to find something around the room and it took us another 10 minutes to color and put the butterflies around the room.”
Trinity Jones also state “ The activity came out as planned. It was a great activity for us to express ourselves and to test our abilities for to get done with the activity in such a timely manner.”
Trinity Jones states “ The Camouflage butterfly activity was fun it helped us challenge our minds and creativity.”
The next morning Mrs. Parker searched the room for the creative camouflage butterflies that were put up around the room in the 4th block.