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    Outdoor track

    Outdoor track: What will they do to prepare for next season, and how will they get better?

    “To make sure we are getting athletes to fulfill the qualifications, and the requirements that are needed to try to get to state in every event so our main focus right now is to make sure that we try to strengthen our sprints strengthen our jumps, and our throws, that our main focus right now,” said Track and Field, Coach Boyd.

    The most recent time they made it to the state was the previous year. “I do high jump, long jump, the 400 meters and the triple. 400 helps with my wind for football and high jump and long jump and triple is for explosiveness.
    “What pushes me to keep going is because I know I have to make it out of Tupelo and get a scholarship,” team player Iverson McCoy said.

    Iverson goes on to say this year has more experience, he has put more work in and he is seeing different competitors and how they work so it will push him to go harder.
    “We have a little bit to work on, they just have a little more into it, last time we had people that wanted to do it and they see that you have to work hard,” Iverson told the interviewee.
    Overall Iverson believes that his team can do it, they just need a little more hope to succeed at what they are trying to achieve.

    “The key steps we’ve been taking to prepare for outdoor track season is going through athletes who can be best at the different events that track has to offer, and so we are trying to find those key athletes at Tupelo High School that can really take us to the next level for high school track,” Track and Field Coach Collum stated.
    Coach goes on to tell the adversity and different challenges that they are facing like bad weather like bad weather making it hard to get the sessions in so they move it inside.

    “The challenges we are facing this year are of course the weather, the ice break, and different things going on with the weather. The rain and different things make it difficult to get the training sessions in so we had to move indoors for a lot of our workouts and change those workouts so they could be beneficial for the athletes as far as capitalizing on last season’s success, we had a lot of success last season and our goal is to improve on last year’s standing,” says coach Collum”

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