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THS Current

The online collaborative home for the print publications of Golden Wave Media.

THS Current

    Imagine The Possibilities: How it can help you

    ITP Career Expo is a great program for all students to use no matter the grade. It gives you multiple options to see what careers do and don’t interest your future. Abigail Fuller, Lola Whitenton, Maria Duran, and Maria Castilho were all prize winners for the Virtual Career Expo. So how can it help you?
    Mrs. Lunchford a great career coach for Tupelo High School says “The Imagine the Possibilities virtual career fair gives you a wide area for you to explore and to hear from different careers. And you may find something that you never even thought of.”
    By participating in this expo students get many types of benefits such as an opportunity to win Apple prizes and insight into their future possibilities.
    “ the second thing is the kind of obvious benefit for students is you get to win a prize. But, it is truly a valuable tool for helping you find what you want to do and just explore what you don’t want to do.”.
    Most students were interested because of the prizes but benefited by also gaining information on multiple careers. Prize winner Lola Whitenton says “Well when they came to the classroom I was interested mostly in winning the Apple products but after I started learning about different careers it helped me a lot.”.
    Abigail Fuller another one of the winners had this to say about how this helped her with her future, “ it was there were some things that were like I hadn’t helpful. Yeah, to just you know, things about what I’m thinking about doing towards the future and to give me some more insight into certain things.”
    Many of the winners from this expo joined because of the prizes only. Although you can win something by watching these videos they’re also enjoyable.
    “You know, for your future, it’s just teaching you so much and it’s fun. I mean, it’s not like you have to hear from different jobs and I’m always telling students elimination is every bit as important as the wow, this is for me”
    The people in these videos are also from local businesses connecting the watchers to their community.
    The ITP Career Expo is one of the top ways for students to be able to have a clearer view of their future and help them achieve their future goals.

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