Each year, the senior class of Tupelo High School embarks on personal journeys that mark both an ending and a beginning. These individual senior trips, unique to every student, are filled with stories of discovery, friendship, and adventure. Let’s take a closer look at these personal escapades that together weave the diverse tapestry of the Class of 2024’s final year.
“For my senior trip I am going to Puerto Rico,” senior Caitlyn Fuller said.“I hope to do a lot of fun stuff during the trip like ATV riding, trying new foods, and enjoying the nice scenery.”
While each journey was packed with unforgettable experiences, the story behind raising the funds for these trips is equally compelling, showcasing the seniors’ creativity and determination.
“Me and my friends have already done a fundraiser at PAL, we did a concession stand there for their summer basketball tournament. We made around $150 each. We also plan to do a carwash later on and sell plates to businesses,” Fuller said. ,“This trip will contribute to my high school memories because I will be there with all my friends. Throughout high school, we have always taken little trips together so i am glad we are ending with one”
Kai Glover plans on going to Gatlinburg, Tennesee.
“I hope to be able to go to the Alcatraz Museum and to Dollywood. I feel like this would be a great experienc for me and my friends,” Glover said.. “I think this will contribue to my final memories of highschool because i’m going with my friends i’ve known since elementary school so just ended my highschool career doing something fun with them makes the end so worth the wait!”.