Kathy Anderson/ Teacher spotlight

Mrs. Anderson with her children.

Submitted by Kathy Anderson

Mrs. Anderson with her children.

Name:Kathy Anderson

What Subject/classes/sports/clubs do you teach/coach/advise: A Special Education Transition Class

How long teaching: 26 years     at THS: Since August 2018 with the MS Department of Mental Health since 1993

Family: I have 2 kids, Katherine who is 22 and a nurse, and Ryan who is 19 and at Northwest studying psychology and criminal justice.

Favorite thing about teaching: Everything, it is a job where I can act silly and be very creative. I love seeing my students learn new things and when they are able to use what they learn in class on community outings! I also LOVE school supplies.

Least favorite thing about teaching: Paperwork

Hobby outside of school: I paint and crochet. I enjoy going to antique stores, thrift stores, and yard sales. I LOVE traveling

Special Talent(s): I am creative and organized. I can paint and sculpt. I like to think i have a fun sense of humor.

People would be surprised to know: I am a giant space nerd. I love Star Trek! I have a Vulcan wig, ears, and communicator.

Most memorable moment as a teacher: Teaching a nonverbal student to use simple sign language to communicate. It is something I will always remember. I helped give a student a “voice” to communicate her needs and wants where she couldn’t before.