Why I don’t Stand:

Arianna Shaw, Golden Wave Media Reporter

 “And to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” Liberty and Justice for all, huh?

Where is the justice for Kendrick Johnson who was rolled up in a mat, and was killed by an “accident”? Where is the justice for Trayvon Martin who was shot and killed for absolutely no reason?

I will stand for the pledge when there is a change in this country. I will stand for the pledge when the very people who built this country will stop getting treated like the bottom of the barrel. I will stand when my people are treated with respect, and finally, get reparations.

It makes no sense that we still have no Anti-Hate Bill for Black Americans when brutality against the African American race has and still is going on. It’s crazy that since we were dragged here in chains 400 years ago, things have barely changed. We are expected to be okay with the treatment that has been pushed upon us, but I will not pretend like we are okay.

Why would I stand for a country that doesn’t stand for me? Why would I stand for a country where justice is only served when you are of a lighter complexion. People choose to turn a blind eye to how black people are treated in America, and then continue to gaslight, and make it seem better than it actually is. I will not be gaslit. Until there is a change in this country, I will not stand for the pledge.