Clear Bags Clear Minds

Info-graphic by: Amedei Ratliff

With school safety becoming a rising issue, so are new ways to protect the school. At Tupelo High school administration has made a clear bag policy.

     The policy permits you to be entered into sports/ school events only with a clear bag. Now you may also have the choice to not carry a bag at all but if you do it must be clear. People/ students have many different opinions on the idea of clear bags. Tupelo High school student Amari Tucker says “ In my opinion, I think the clear bag policy is a rule that definitely needed to be enforced at Tupelo. I’ve heard of horror stories and seen them revolving around students and adults bringing dangerous objects and weapons to the school and sporting events”.

    With safety being the number one top priority, parents and students should feel safe when participating in school activities. Some may feel an objection to the clear bag policy because people want their privacy, but we have to also think of the safety and precaution to take to avoid dangerous situations. 

   At Tupelo High school we enforce the clear bag policy anywhere outside of school hours which are 8-5. This policy is followed by guests and also people who attend the school.

  When people come to sporting/school events they would like to have a peace of mind and feel safe at all times. The clear bag policy after school hours at Tupelo High school is just a small step to ensure everyone’s safety; because when you have sporting/school events a clear bag is a clear mind.