Students enjoy field day for excellence

  • Jarmesha Mckinney retrieves frisbee

  • Students line up to

  • Cam Harris walks onto the field to shoot ball

  • Omar Brown, Damari Burton, and Cam Harris stand on the field

  • Students practice taking penalty shots on the goal

  • Student runs onto the blue turf

  • Maila Carpenter and Kendrick Smith prepare to ‘shadowbox’

  • Kendrick Smith poses on top of football dummy

  • Photographer Joshua Delacoudray walks onto the field for better angles

  • Torrien Thompson and Joshua Delacoudray pose for a group photo

  • Students partake in ‘shadowboxing’ game

  • Ethan Pinson stands for a photo

  • Cam Harris and Damari Burton prepare to take shots at a target

  • Jarmesha Mckinney and C’Nia Price pose for a photo together

  • Jarmesha Mckinney throws a frisbee

  • Damari Burton prepares to throw a ball

  • Abdo Khalid performs a step over

  • C’Nia Price pepares to catch a frisbee

  • Bryan Lira kicks soccer ball

  • Jorge Avina prepares to shoot

  • Jorge Avina shoots a ball at a goal

  • Soccer players taking penalty shots

  • Students pose for a picture on the blue turf

  • Jevon Edwards interviews Damari Burton

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Students played different sports activities, and congregated amongst themselves in the shade, with some sitting down and talking enjoying the food provided.

The heat, while harsh, didn’t stop many students from having fun.

Freshman Maila Carpenter acknowledges that while it was hot, she was able to play many different games and have fun.

“I kicked around a ball, ate, and shadowboxed,” Carpenter said.

Sophomore Jarmesha Mckinney made the most out of what was in front of her.

“I expected more out of it, but for what it is, and what they gave, it’s pretty good,” Mckinney said.

C’Nia Price, another sophomore, was unfazed entirely.

“Everybody else is kinda boring, they’re saying it’s hot,” Price said. 

Price enjoyed all of the games, and wishes more will be involved if another were to be held. 

“I started a kickball game and you already know my team won,” Price said.

Freshman Ethan Pinson found a way to use his free time outside in a more relaxing manner.

“I was playing on my Nintendo Switch,” Pinson said.

The students enjoyed their field day reward and would look forward to another one under different circumstances.

“I’d probably come if they had more things and water,” Mckinney said.

Most students agree that there should be more activities and refreshments, and say that overall the day was successful and a nice break.

“They should have snow cones next time,” Price said. 

Carpenter kept her thoughts simple.

“Less heat, more activities,” Carpenter said.