Pulitzer Prize winning Author Rick Bragg visits Tupelo High School as part of the Tupelo Reads Program

Nastassjia Walker

The Tupelo Reads program brought Pulitzer Prize wining author Rick Bragg to Tupelo High School. Bragg’s book “The Best Cook in the World: Tales from my Momma’s Table” was chosen as the 2018 Tupelo Reads book.

What happened: Pulitzer Prize winning author, Rick Bragg, came to talk to THS students facilitated by the Tupelo Reads Program.


Key Player: Bragg, who is from Alabama, came to pay a local visit to share his life and books. His latest book “The Best Cook in the World: Tales from my Momma’s Table” was chosen as the 2018 Tupelo Reads Book. Bragg won a Pulitzer Prize for his work as a New York Times reporter in the 1990s.  


Notable Quotes:

“This is a place where grandmothers hold babies on their laps under the stars and whisper in their ears that the lights in the sky are holes in the floor of heaven,” Bragg said.

Students that attended the assembly were amazed and entertained by him. Some even read his book.

“I enjoyed the assembly, I enjoyed the book and I thought it was impressive,” senior Shields Haire said.

“I loved the assembly, he’s an interesting guy and was good at telling stories,” said by senior Luke Overton said.


Key Moment:  As part of the Tupelo Reads Program, 3 art students were recognized for creating works of art relating to the theme of the book. First place went to Hannah Edwards. Second place to Mary Carson Kieffer. Third place to Summer Kirksey.  

Up Next: The book is available at local bookstores and libraries.  But be careful, it will make you hungry.

  • Rick Bragg speaks to THS students in the PAC on Sept. 19, 2018.

  • Rick Bragg, Principal Art Dobbs and Jack Reed.

  • Mary Carson Keiffer, 2nd place; Hannah Edwards, 1st place; Summer Kirksey, 3rd place pose with Mr. Bragg, Mr. Dobbs and Jack Reed.

  • Rick Bragg jokes with senior Shields Haire while signing his book, “The Best Cook in the World: Tales from my Momma’s Table.”

  • Rick Bragg signs Jack Brister’s copy of his book.

  • Tupelo Reads Art Award Winners: Mary Carson Keiffer, 2nd place; Hannah Edwards, 1st place; Summer Kirksey, 3rd place.

  • Senior Emma Atkinson thanks Bragg for speaking to the students.

  • Mr. Dobbs is captivated by Braggs stories from his book.

  • Bragg spoke about his mother and food.

  • The Tupelo Reads program brought Pulitzer Prize wining author Rick Bragg to Tupelo High School. Bragg’s book “The Best Cook in the World: Tales from my Momma’s Table” was chosen as the 2018 Tupelo Reads book.

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