Club Spotlight ?: Educators Risings

Educators Rising a club that prepares students who wants to be teachers


Name of Club: Educators Rising

Adviser of Club:  Mrs.Cox

Students involved: Laken Templeton, Emily Gamez, Summer Gillespie

Purpose of club: To expose students to hands on teaching experiences, and sustain their interest in the profession, and to help them cultivate the skills needed to be successful educators.

Weekly/Monthly Activities:  Monthly Job Shadowing; Create Bulletin Boards; Group Project like Bulletin boards, Class Building Act, Projects related to the curriculum.

Special Activities:  Field Trips, College Visits Ex ICC, Special Guestscome to speak to us, ICC- Euie Strong, Manje Miler; MSU- Randy and Kathryn Harmon

Membership requirements:  Must be enrolled in the Teacher Academy Career Tech Class.

When can students join this club:  Once they are enrolled in Teacher Academy.

Benefits of being in the club: In Depth exposure to teaching profession. Give opportunities to participate in competitive events. The club gives access to scholarships.